Welcome to your ISA Cleveland Section! This year, we have scheduled an online training event this fall with ISA Headquarters for members everywhere, not just Cleveland!
It is the first in their cyber security series, mandatory for subqequent training. The information for this and lots more is posted on our website, ISA Connect, and our Social Media Channels
for all to refer to.
Our last few years were turned upside-down due to COVID-19 where everyone was affected in different ways, e.g., working on a computer at home instead of in an office setting.
Although COVID-19 is still around the number of cases has dropped considerable from its pandemic numbers. Your Cleveland Section is actively working to provide educational and networking opportunities whhether they are online or face-to-masked face.
Many of our monthly events are being offered "hybrid" so that you can attend however you feel most comfortable.
We have young professional members who are not engaging in our section as much as we believe they should. Some of the chair positions are unfilled and they are a great place to start getting more out of your membership.
Please check out our Volunteer page on ISA Connect for the latest opportunities, such as Social Media or Webmaster. Webmaster is a title that tech savy younger people should find fun because it does not consume much time.
I hope you will look at our postings and see where you would like to improve and reconnect with others through our local section, districts and divisions. We are here to make your carrer better.
Harriet Radvansky
Harriet Radvansky
President, International Society of Automation
Cleveland Section 2023-2024
Thank you for your patience, understanding, and ongoing support of the Cleveland Section.